Spotlight: Youth
Seminary Graduates 2023
Sunday - August 6, 2023
Congratulations to our seminary graduates!
It was a special night tonight, celebrating their accomplishments and expressing gratitude to their teachers.
There were three youth speakers, Aubrey Larson from the Summit Ward, Trevan Hamilton from the Gibsonville Ward and Annika Hilton from the Summit Ward. They talked about the many things they've learned through seminary:
Preparing them for life
The importance of daily scripture study
How to answer questions from their friends not of our faith
It's good to ask questions
How to really study the scriptures
Sacrificing for the gospel (getting up early!)
Preparing to serve a mission.
Those receiving diplomas for completing four years of seminary:
Burlington Ward: Isaac Fields
Gibsonville Ward: Trevan Hamilton
Guilford Ward: Abby Carlson
Lake Brandt Ward: Noah Wooden
Peidmont Branch: Ivett Arizpe
Pleasant Ridge Ward: Dallin Duncan, Keala Cho, Hayden Martin
Summit Ward: Anna Dailey, Annika Hilton, Aubrey Larson, Blaklee Galiotti, Natalie Savage.
Those receiving certificates of completion:
Caswell Ward: Jessie Williams
Piedmont Branch: Emiliano Gutierrez, Kimberlin Quintero