Stick to a task 'til it sticks to you...for beginners are many, but finishers few.
Thomas S. Monson
Emergency Preparedness
The cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now.
Gordon B. Hinkley
Temple & Family History
While Salvation is an indivicual matter, Exaltation is a Family matter.
Russell M. Nelson
Posted: Saturday - May 20, 2023
Posted: Monday - May 22, 2023
Posted: Sunday - August 6, 2023
Posted: Sunday - August 6, 2023
Posted: Sunday - August 6, 2023
Posted: Sunday - August 6, 2023
Posted: Sunday - August 6, 2023
Elder Logan Savage, son of Nathan and Hillary Savage of the Summit Ward, has returned from his mission to Honduras! He and his brother James spoke in the Summit Ward sacrament meeting yesterday....powerful talks from both! Here's a recap and some welcome home pictures. Welll done, Elder Savage!
This is the text for Section 4.